Half a dozen school run drivers were pulled over by police during an unnanounced road safety operation.
Police and Leicester City Council road safety and parking officers targeted parents and carers dropping off children at Coleman Primary, in Gwendolen Road, yesterday morning, and Sparkenhoe Community Primary, in Highfields, later in the afternoon.
Four parents at Coleman Primary were pulled over for not wearing seatbelts or not having their children appropriately belted. Another two were pulled over at Sparkenhoe Community Primary.
The aim of the operation, which ran at peak school times, was to clamp down on illegal parking on kerbs, yellow lines and zig-zag lines, and those not wearing seatbelts or using child car seats.
The drivers now face potential fines of up to £60 and three penalty points, and may have to complete an online road safety course.
Dad Chris Williams, who was picking up his two children from Sparkenhoe Primary, welcomed the initiative.
He said: "This sort of thing is welcome every once in a while. It's a good idea as it gives parents a warning, although I think there are probably other schools where there's more of a problem with inconsiderate parking."
Mum Grace Tibasaga was also pleased to see enforcement officers outside Sparkenhoe Primary.
She said: "It gets congested on the side streets and in front of the school so it's good to give people a warning to make sure they park properly."
Rhian Jones, deputy head at the Highfields school, added: "We very much welcome this stinger operation. Some parents tend to park inappropriately, either on zig zag lines or on pavements so to have police officers and traffic wardens out here is really helpful. We urge parents to be considerate through out newsletters and signs which we have put up and we try and patrol as much as possible."
Police officers from Spinney Hill Park police station took part in the operation.
Pc Rich Barber said: "From our point of view it's been a successful day. More parents seem to be heeding the warnings and taking care over their actions and that's what we're aiming for. We fully intend to carry out further operations like this so parents should take notice of that because next time we could be outside their school."
Officers carried out a similar operation outside Coleman Primary last month when two drivers had their cars seized for having no insurance and no valid UK driving licence, while the other's licence was believed to have expired.
Council road safety officer Lyn Rowe said: "Both these schools are on busy through roads so it made sense for us to target them. There are always congestion problems outside schools, but there are some far worse than others and that can add to the danger. We want all drivers to be responsible and operations like this help show how seriously we take this."