A primary school has been told it is "inadequate" and needs to improve teaching, pupils' achievements and exam results.
Heatherbrook Primary's latest Ofsted report means the school will now be under increased pressure to become one of the Government's new-style academies.
Inspectors, who visited the 188-pupil school in Beaumont Leys, Leicester, said standards in reading, writing and maths had fallen in recent years, the majority of teaching was not good enough and bad behaviour was not always managed well.
Head teacher Lee Venning, said: "Our results have dipped below the national average, but we do not expect this year's results to be below the Government's benchmark.
"We expect them to be higher.
"We're working to address some of the weaknesses highlighted in the report and have an action plan in place.
"There were many positives to come out of the report, including strengths in leadership and governance. It also said results had improved in the early years foundation stage."
The school's Sats results this summer and the year before were below the Government's threshold of 60 per cent or more for children reaching the appropriate level for their age in English and maths. However, the report said improvements were beginning to show in key areas of the school's work, including better progress by pupils in years five and six.
Inspectors said the head teacher and deputy head retained too much responsibility and this limited the contribution made by other staff in tackling the school's weaknesses.
However, they added, leaders and managers, were "demonstrating the capacity to tackle the school's weaknesses and raise standards".
They praised the school's themed curriculum. Although the school has been told it has serious weaknesses, it has not been placed in special measures – the lowest rating.
This is because, although achievement among pupils is low, leadership and management are not a serious issue.
The school's last full inspection took place in 2009, when it was judged satisfactory.
Last week, education secretary, Michael Gove, wrote to the city's MPs to request their support in turning Leicester's under-performing primary schools into academies.
Mr Venning would not comment on whether Heatherbrook Primary would consider the move.
Academies are semi-independent state schools, which receive funding directly and have more powers over areas such as the curriculum.
Councillor Vi Dempster, assistant city mayor for schools, said: "I do not see that academy status would be of any lasting benefit. We are as focused on raising standards for all our children across the city."