A city council scrutiny committee has launched a review to find out why the number of adults involved in sport is so low and how more people can be encouraged to use the authority's leisure centres.
It seems likely this review will find that the main issue is that people cannot afford the charges.
Paul Edwards, the city council's head of sports services, said as much at a recent meeting and added that the financial climate meant people were spending their money on other essentials.
In fact, the charges at the council's sports centres are probably pretty reasonable.
However, the harsh reality is that the economic situation means that people are struggling to make ends meet.
This means that fewer people are using the centres and that council income has declined as a result.
One recommendation could be to reduce prices in the hope that increased use would make up for any further loss in revenue.
This has to be worth trying out, particularly while the economic situation is so bad.
Plans for a new 2,000-seat arena which would serve as the home of Leicester Riders will be widely welcomed.
It is clearly early days, with details of the deal still being worked out.
However, the proposal is an exciting one not only for Riders, who have been without a permanent home since the closure of Granby Halls, but also for Leicestershire Cricket Club and the wider community.
The arena would be built at the cricket club's Grace Road ground and would provide "mass participation" for the community, including students from Leicester College, which is also involved in the proposals.
As the cricket club's chief executive, Mike Siddall, says this represents a demonstrable Olympic legacy for the city.
We wish all involved every success in this project and we look forward to seeing their vision take shape.