From the traditional nativity to plays about Santa and snowmen, youngsters have taken to the stage for a variety of Christmas productions.
All 120 year two children at Catherine Infants, in Belgrave, Leicester, were involved in a production of Mend the Manger. They staged two performances yesterday.
School business manager Tom Bott said: "The children really enjoyed dressing up and taking part in one way or another, either by performing or behind the scenes.
"We had two performances and half the school saw it in the morning and the rest in the afternoon.
"They were joined by scores of parents and other relatives."
At Stokes Wood Primary School, in New Parks, Leicester, key stage one youngsters in the infants department took part in a play which covered different elements of Christmas.
It included a Santa Claus workshop, Christmas tree, snowmen and the traditional scene in the stable. Head teacher Jane Gadsby said: "We had 110 children aged five to seven take part in our key stage one nativity.
"It was so popular that we had to put on two performances, which each attracted 100 people.
"Things which featured in each scene in the production spelled out the letters of Christmas.
"It was very well received by the audiences."